25751 Elena Road, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022
6 BD | 9 BA | 11,206 Sq.Ft.
12252 Menalto DR, LOS ALTOS HILLS, CA 94022
5 BD | 6 BA | 6,190 Sq.Ft.
262 Covington Road, Los Altos, CA 94024
5 BD | 9 BA | 8,415 Sq.Ft.
11195 Hooper Lane, Los Altos Hill, CA 94024
4 BD | 4 BA | 4,505 Sq.Ft.
27477 Altamont Road, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022
3 BD | 3,982 Sq.Ft.
13206 Wright Way, Altos Hills, CA 94022
5 BD | 5 BA | 5,186 Sq.Ft.
13206 Wright WAY, LOS ALTOS HILLS, CA 94022
5 BD | 4.5 BA | 5,186 Sq.Ft.
477 Lassen ST 6, LOS ALTOS, CA 94022
2 BD | 2 BA | 1,179 Sq.Ft.
555 Zinfandel LN, SAINT HELENA, CA 94574
4 BD | 4.5 BA | 3,171 Sq.Ft.
444 San Antonio RD 9B, PALO ALTO, CA 94306
2 BD | 2.5 BA | 1,556 Sq.Ft.
One of the most experienced and renowned teams in the entire Bay Area, the Campi Group strives to produce the best result for every one of their clients. Buying and selling don’t have to be hard with the Campi Group on your side every step of the way.